Reports and Papers2022-12-07T16:47:39-05:00

Arctic360 Brief – Standing Committee on Science and Research Study on Arctic and Climate Change

June 20th, 2024|

Arctic360 Brief – Standing Committee on Science and Research Study on Arctic and Climate ChangeThe often-made argument when asked about the underdevelopment, underinvestment, and economic hardship that is Canada’s North is...well, the North is vast with

Canada’s North: Reply to Natural Resources Canada Critical Minerals Strategy Discussion Paper

July 14th, 2022|

Canada’s North: Reply to Natural Resources Canada Critical Minerals Strategy Discussion Paper Canada’s Critical Mineral Strategy requires specific stand-alone attention to the North. The North should be a specific stand-alone sub-theme and focus area

Strengthening the
North American Arctic

Arctic360 is dedicated to educating and engaging with the public about the pressing issues and potential solutions for building a prosperous and sustainable Arctic region. Contact us if you have any questions about our activities or if you would like to be more involved.

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